Donna Kendall Stearns
“I think I know why David is always busy as an actor – it’s because he excels in all areas that directors look for – talent, great work ethic, reliability, and he gets along with his cast-mates When we worked together on a production of “Romeo and Juliet,” he was the actor I turned to for a male perspective as I tried to physicalize a male gait in my gender-bendered role of “Sampson.” He was very helpful, I could trust him, and oh my goodness, he was fun to work with!”
“Dig Infinity”
by Oliver Trager
A big Thank You for bringing Oliver’s script to us and for spearheading what I thought was a very successful afternoon at the Red Harlem Readers.
Your support and involvement means a lot to all of us. Thanks and stay in touch.
Cordis (Cordis Heard for The Red Harlem Readers)
I would like to say again how moving your performance and the play was. I suppose I was one of few queer Wyoming natives in that audience – which gave me a dense and complex response. Given all of that, I must say that the natives in the play really rang true in their ambiguous understanding and feelings, their wanting to be thought well of, their pride and then their unwitting (mostly) bigotry.
David Lamberton May I say that I cannot imagine that final speech being done better. … your moment there gave meaning to the whole night much as the actual speech gave meaning to the whole trial and sentencing.
The play was very compelling — I had never seen it, and much of the information was new to me. Nicely paced, well directed. You were superb in all of your guises, never more so than as the sad Matthew’s father — a blend of sadness, rage and compassion, eloquently presented.
Excellent Show! Wonderful! I thought I would leave the theater depressed instead I felt uplifted and better for the knowledge I have gained……
Universal Robots
By: Mac Rogers; Directed by: Rosemary Andress; Manhattan Theatre Source; Dark Brew Productions; Review by: Joe Bendel
In Mac Rogers’ re-imagining of R.U.R. (Rossom’s Universal Robots) that first coined the term “robot” we see the Čapeks in their element, holding court at their Friday salon for poets and artists. In this reality, Karel Čapek (David Ian Lee) … claims the ear of Tomáš Masaryk (David Lamberton), the first president of Czechoslovakia. …David Ian Lee as Čapek and David Lamberton, as Masaryk respectively, effectively convey the deeper humanity of their famous characters. Their scenes discussing the Christian subtext Masaryk perceives in Čapek’s work are in fact, some of the highpoints of the play.”
The Passion
By: Warner Richards; Directed by: Stephen Stahl; The Grove Street Theatre; Rex Productions; Review by: Maya T. Amis
“…a melodrama with surreal elements which are… psychological, ghostly, or both. It is the story of an extremely unhappy family that has been shattered by the death of one of its members. The surviving son has not been home for a long time; his mother misses him, (and) his father is going off the deep end…. David Lamberton as the father gave conviction to a difficult (and particularly melodramatic) part. He was particularly good at evoking madness, both with his voice and with a manic glint in the eye.”
Lay Me Down
(short film)
Writer & Director: Shinako Sudo
Producers: Haruka Hiroishi, Rie Koko, Shinako Sudo
Associate Producers: MizuhoEndo, Claude Chassagne
A subtly surreal story of the sacrifice that a boy (Carson Marano) will make for friendship and a father (David Lamberton) for his son. A sick boy who is never allowed to set foot outside his remote rural home is drawn irresistibly into the nearby woods by dreaming visions. What he finds there (Cole Marano) brings him a release from loneliness, but ultimately leads to the revelation of a dark secret. Set in the near future, the film poses questions about love, the human soul, and man’s moral relationship to science.
Nation’s Young Blood
(feature length film; in production; 2010 release)
Writer & Director: Brian Neuls
Producers: Miguel Lopes and Jorge Lopes
Four Women. One Plan. The Ultimate Agenda. With a Little More Planning… It May Have Worked – the story of Kayla Morales, a young woman with ideals that can’t match the techniques she uses to reach her goals.
Lopes Brothers Present a Brian Neuls Film “Nation’s Young Blood”.
Starring: Erica Sigaran Nina Brown Libby Vilner With: Scott Neufville Miguel Lopes Kayla Asaro Fred Robbins -And- David Lamberton, Einar Gunn, Russell Jordan, Nathan Faudree, Wendy Olafson.
(feature length film; pre-production)
By: Brian & Paul Neuls; Neuls Brothers Films / Regime Change
Emmanuel Sutter (David Lamberton) … has shaped his world as much as Edison shaped his age; as much as Einstein shaped his… Many believe him to be a tool of the corporate world to which he so easily seems to relate… When a scientist decides to use his nearly limitless gifts for furthering any state’s agenda…does everyone not have the right to use and profit from the advancements he finds? Emmanuel Sutter. You live by rules that he drafted.